

Do you need to build new terminology from scratch? Do you have a term database, but it’s incomplete and hard to use? Or does your term database need a lot of regular maintenance when new products are added to your portfolio? TermCatch is your solution to most problems related to terminology building and maintenance.

What is TermCatch?

TermCatch is Fodina’s tool for building and maintaining high-quality and consistent terminology. It gives you the information you need to make fact-based decisions about which terms to use – and which terms not to use. TermCatch runs directly in your web browser and English, Swedish, and German are currently supported as source languages.

In short, TermCatch:

  • identifies and extracts terms in your existing content
  • finds and groups synonyms and spelling variants of terms
  • presents the synonym relations in a graph view, that makes them easy to visualize and edit

More than just Term Extraction

Harvesting terms in your content is just a part of what TermCatch does. The idea behind TermCatch is to be a tool that gives you, as a terminologist, all the information you need to prioritize what terms to work on, integrate new terms and concepts into your current terminology, and seamlessly update your terminology database.

Term Extraction

/tɝːm/ /ɪkˈstræk.ʃən/

Term extraction is the process of automatically identifying and pulling out important words and phrases (terms) from a body of text.


TermCatch is designed with terminologists in complex environments in mind. TermCatch automates the most time-consuming tasks of the terminologist, while being flexible and easy to use.


With a number of automating features, TermCatch lets you spend your time on tasks that require human input, instead of tedious and repetitive tasks that are hard to get an overview of.
With a number of automating features, TermCatch lets you spend your time on tasks that require human input, instead of tedious and repetitive tasks that are hard to get an overview of.

Built-in term extraction

Find all terms that are used in your content by extracting terms from documents, manuals, presentations, and webpages in no time.

Automatically group your terms into synonym clusters

TermCatch groups your terms into ‘synonym clusters’, which makes creating new concepts easy.

Define Concepts Automatically

Define your concepts automatically, using built-in generative AI.


It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on your terminology journey – TermCatch is flexible enough to be adapted to your terminology needs. This means that you only need one tool for all activities, from term extraction to standardizing ready-to-use concepts.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on your terminology journey – TermCatch is flexible enough to be adapted to your terminology needs. This means that you only need one tool for all activities, from term extraction to standardizing ready-to-use concepts.

Edit concepts easily

TermCatch has great editing capabilities so that you can prepare and create concepts with all kinds of metadata inside the application.

Handle Large Amounts of Data

TermCatch can handle very large volumes of data. The powerful filter possibilities lets you work with well-defined subsets of large term resources at a time.


Our goal is for TermCatch to be easy and intuitive to use, regardless of how complex your terminology is. And if you should have any issues, we are always ready to help you out.

Our goal is for TermCatch to be easy and intuitive to use, regardless of how complex your terminology is. And if you should have any issues, we are always ready to help you out.

Intuitive Term Relations

You don’t just get a term list, but also clusters of synonyms and spelling variants of terms. The visual graph representation of term relations makes it easier to get an overview of your terminology.


Terminology can be a tricky subject. That’s why we have extensive documentation to support you in your TermCatch tasks. To make sure that you get the maximum value out of TermCatch, an introductory training for your team is also included when you decide to purchase TermCatch. You can, of course, also always contact us whenever issues or questions come up.

How does TermCatch work?

TermCatch offers a complete workflow, all the way to ready-to-use terminology. This workflow has three general steps: importing data, working with data, and exporting data.

Get Data

First, you need to get terms into TermCatch. One way to achieve this is to import existing term resources, like spreadsheets with terms or a term database in Acrolinx or Quickterm.
Another option is to import text documents, such as manuals and marketing material, to find terms. You can also let TermCatch crawl websites for text to use. TermCatch finds all possible terms in the uploaded text documents and crawled websites, and presents them to you. This is a quick and easy way for you to find out what terms are actually used in the content that is already written.


Once you have your terms, imported or extracted, you can start creating concepts of terms to use and not to use going forward. TermCatch makes this step easy as well. You decide what term sources you want to work with, and TermCatch groups the terms in those resources into clusters of possible synonyms. Then you can just go through and edit these clusters as needed, and save them as concepts. TermCatch also helps you to write definitions for your terms, using generative AI.


When you’ve gone through the clusters and created your concepts, TermCatch also makes it easy to export them for further use. With one click, you can send the concepts from TermCatch to your term database in Acrolinx or Quickterm. Or you can simply export them all in a spreadsheet. All that is left after that is to start using your terminology!