Cheaper and Better Translations

Consistent Terminology for Cheaper and Better Translations

You might be spending more money than necessary on translations. This does not at all mean that you should settle for lower-quality translations. But you should invest in a good terminology process, in order to create content that is better suited for translation.

How Can Good Source language Terminology Improve Translations?

Translation quality always starts with source text quality. Using consistent and well-defined terminology reduces ambiguity, allowing translators to deliver more accurate translations without extensive contextual analysis. For example, consistently using “check valve” instead of alternating with “non-return valve” means the translator can be sure you mean the same component and not two different ones. This ensures that the intended meaning is preserved, and reduces errors that are hard to correct post-translation.

Source language

/sɔːrs/ /ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ

The source language is the original language of a text that is intended to be translated into another language (the target language).

When source language terminology is consistent, translators can also work more quickly and efficiently. They spend less time researching terms and more time translating. This streamlined process results in faster turnaround times, which is especially beneficial for large projects or tight deadlines.

How does source language Terminology affect translation Costs?

Translators typically use translation memory tools. Translation memory tools store previously translated terms and phrases, which can be automatically reused in new translations that contain the same or similar phrases. This not only speeds up the translation process but also ensures consistency across multiple documents and projects.

If the translator can find matching segments in the translation memories, the translation of the new segment usually costs less to translate since there is less work to do for the translator. And if your source terminology is consistent, the chances that a translator can find a matching segment increase significantly.

How can we help you?

Are you curious about how Fodina can help you make sure your source terminology is consistent? You can read more about TermCatch, or even book a demo.

And do you want to make sure that your translation memory is fit for the task in the first place, and in itself contains consistent term translations? Then why not check out TermAlign!